
1.049,00 $

The Gold ,Treasures and Coins Detector Impact is one of the best devices in gold detection, It has the advantage of several properties in the search for targets and offers the options of the ground balance. also it’s support a vibration feature when finding the intended target

❖ IMPACT is one of the best devices around the world It comes with multiple search frequencies that are not available in any other device, but with Impact all these frequencies are in one device for the first time

❖ The gold, coins and treasures detectors and Impact are supported by 12 search modes These modes are designed for different situations, conditions and terrain to explore and hunt for multiple types of targets such as gold treasures, coins, ferrous metals and all types of terrain such as rocky land, agricultural, sandy, parasitic soils, It uses the best technology in the world to ensure the best possible search result

❖ All this makes the detector gold and coins and treasures Impact integrated device combines more than one detector metal within one easy to use and lightweight and many detectors experience and evaluation of the device includes three different search frequencies with the software update feature in the device and update settings and settings according to another Updates that are downloaded the official website of the device via the Internet and all of this by connecting the device to my computer

❖ The device is characterized by a modern design luxury with light weight and ease of jaw and installation and load, which is always the same for the User and also easy to change the settings and the selection of search systems and other options the design of the short lists and also features that the device supports headphone wireless

Features and Techniques of Detecting Treasures, Coins and Pavers Impact

❖ Options for the land budget The option of the ground balance of the search of currencies, treasures and buried in a better way to fit the device with the environment of the Ground User to get the best possible readings and research accurately

❖ High efficiency and depth What distinguishes detection devices is its performance and depth, which can be trusted. Here lies the power of the metal detectors and the coins of the Impact where you can discover the rare coins, treasures and buried in the deepest places.

❖ There are updates to the device via the Internet The old machines face a number of problems as they work on the same system of operations that came from the factory and cannot be updated or changed, but the metal detector and metal coins Impact differs from these devices that it has updates on the Internet to ensure the best possible search results and increase the efficiency of the device when searching where Do not worry about updating the system or trying to reset the device

❖ Wireless headset Wireless headsets are what always a user hobbyist and looking for gold, metals and currencies as the wireless headsets disrupt the movement and may be a reason to delay the search or loss of opportunity to find a goal because of the interruption of the wire or the like. Therefore, the wireless speakers relax the device detectors in their search for currencies and treasures

❖ There are 12 search patterns Multiple types of research in the metal detector and metal coins Impact is one of the strongest features of the device as the number of patterns and varied in this way shows that the device can detect all kinds of minerals and coins and buried treasures underground as well as helps in the diversity of terrain and the environment that is discovered to be appropriate It has to represent more than one detector at the same time

❖ 3 deep research Empact 3 supports various search options so that the user can choose the appropriate depth based on the location of the land he wants to explore and the type of goals he wants to search for.

❖ Vibration The detector of metals, coins and treasures is vibrated when a target is detected so that the detector detects that there is a possibility that the target is in front of you so the vibration of the device is a value added to the device

❖ There is a projector on the projector Some of the users of minerals, coins and fossils love to search at night, where the night represents a calm for them. Also, it is possible that the night is safer to search in. Here is also an impact device that has a projector in front of it to allow the user to see anything in front of the machine, which can easily find what he asks for.

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